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Occidental Course in 10 Lessons (lessons 3-4)

Page history last edited by Dave MacLeod 5 years, 2 months ago

Triesim letion


3.1 Texte


3.1.1 Li creation


In li Bible sta scrit, que Deo ha creat li munde.

Pro to il es nominat li creator del munde.

Li creation durat six dies.

Noi ne have creatori qualitás, solmen Deo es vermen creativ.

Quo il ha creat? Nos e omni altri creaturas.


to last 
altri other creatori "creator-y"



3.1.2 Un brilliant carriera


Mi fratre have un amico, un ingeniero, qui ha fat un brilliant carriera. Ja quam yun studente su aspirationes evocat atention. Pos obligatori teoretic studies in un technical institute e practic preparatori labores in un micri fabrica, in quel il laborat quam reparator de electric motores e transformatores, il recivet un transitori ocupation quam supervisor del machines in un grand industrial interprense. Mersí a su intensiv labor e su extraordinari organisatori talentes il avansat gradualmen, de position a position, e nu il es executiv director de un association de industries in li sam branche.


Su precessores esset in oposition a innovationes, ma quam successor de ti conservativ administratores il devet interprender mult reformationes e un total reorganisation del administration. Li production e vendition del productes e fabricates crescet enorm in comparation a to, quo ili esset ante il. Il ha prendet parte in mult negociationes con extran states, e li resultate ha esset plu e plu extensiv, comercial transactiones de exportationes e concessiones in exotic landes.


Difamatori lingues di, que il es un poc imperatori, ma to es exageration. Quande il ha decidet un afere, il es firm in su decision, ne tolera contradition e intervention, e pro to il have success in su interprenses. Tal qualificationes es anc absolutmen necessi a decisiv por un mann in su position.


Il es inventor de mult patentat aparates, queles es ancor in su exclusiv possession. Quam possessor de grand capitales, il ha fat mult donationes in favor a cultural institutiones, e pro to il have li reputation de un grand donator e favorisator del scienties e artes.


succeed (follow) 
outside, abroad 
speak ill of (cf. defamation) 
order (cf. imperative) 
exagerar exaggerate quande when
intervenir intervene (lit. "between-come") anc also
necessi necessary donar give, donate



3.1.3 Li eterni problemas


It existe témpores, quande li filosofic speculation sembla haltar in total o partial resignation ante li grand problemas del vive, quande ne solmen definitiv ma anc provisori responses al eterni questiones sembla van. It concentra se a examination e inregistration de ti resultates, queles li exploratores e laboratores del special scienties presenta. It es periodes, quande li homan pensa fa quasi un sorte de guerre de position contra li eterni problemas, un guerre de position, quel postula mult devot perlaboration de detallies e penetrativ analise.


Ma it existe anc témpores, quande li pensa abandona su timid, defensiv position, marcha adavan e fa un general atacca. It es tal témpores, pri queles Hegel ha dit, que "li universal spíritu fa un choc adavan." Con egal justification on posse nominar les témpores de productiv erras. Tal periodes seque successiv un pos altri, in ritmic fluctuation quam sómmites e valleyes de undes.


Pos li potent flut del Renascentie, quel in fin manifestat se in li grand sistemas, sequet li rationalisme del enciclopedistes e lor imitatores. Ti rationalisme havet su culmination e su coronation, ma anc su contra-evolution in Kant, li titane del filosofie. Pos il sequet li romantica, con nov gigantic constructiones de sistemas.


E denove, pos li romantica, li filosofie devet retirar a su positiones. Li positivisme detronat li filosofie in favor al special scienties. Li materialisme devenit li successor de ti sublim, genuin idealistic spíritu, quel, malgré omni fantastic misprenses, esset li directiv factor del romantica. Li special scienties fa nov e nov decovritiones, ma nor spiritual horizonte deveni plu strett.


E nu, esque li signes de nor propri témpore ne da nos indicationes pri un nov era de filosofic speculation, un nov romantica e idealisme, támen con plu critic reflection quam li antiqui? Li munde fórsan ne es ancor tam senil, quam li profetes de fatiga vole far nos creder.


eterni  eternal  témpore  time  coronar to crown
semblar  to seem  van  in vain  evoluer evolve
ti  this, that  explorar  explore  retirar retire
pensa  thought  guerre  war  detronar dethrone
devot  devoted  penetrar  penetrate  devenir become
abandonar  abandon  defender  defend  malgré despite
adavan  forwards  spíritu  spirit  omni all
choc  shock  justificar  justify  misprense misunderstanding
les them erra error nor our
sequer follow pos after strett narrow
fluctuar fluctuate sómmite summit propri own (one's own)
unde wave Renascentie Renaissance indicar indicate
imitar imitate culminar culminate támen however
fórsan perhaps senil senile fatiga fatigue
    creder believe    


Note: omni before a singular means each (same as chascun), while before a plural it means all.



3.1.4 Anecdotes


On questionat li filosof Aristippos de Kyrene, per quo li filosofos distinte se del altri homes. Il respondet: "Si omni leges vell esser abrogat, solmen li filosofos vell viver quam antey."


Alqui objectet que on frequent incontra li filosofos avan li portas del riches. Aristippos replicat: "Sam quam li medicos avan li portas del malades. Esque pro to li malades es plu reputat quam li medicos?"


"Moné," il declarat, "yo prende del riches ne pro que yo besona it, ma por que ili mey saver in quel maniere ili posse investir it."


per quo  by what  distinter  distinguish 
lege  law  abrogar  abrogate, repeal 
viver  to live  antey  before 
alqui  someone  objecter  to object 
avan  before  porta  door 
replicar  reply  sam quam  same as 
medico  doctor  malad  sick 
pro to  that's why  plu reputat  more reputed 
moné money besonar to need
in quel maniere in which way    



3.2 Explanations


We have just seen a large number of expressive international words that end with the 5


3.2.1 suffixes -ion, -or, -ori, -iv, ura.


Note that these words in Occidental are regularly derived from verbs.


The words with -ion, or, -ori, -iv and -ura are created with the perfect stem of the verb. But dictionaries only give the infinitive of a verb. How do you find the perfect stem? This is where we come to


3.2.2 de Wahl's Rule.


First remove the -r from a verb, or -er for an -er verb. What is at the end?


1. If it's a vowel, then add a t:


Infinitive  Perfect stem  Derived word 
decora/r, decorate  decorat-  decoration 
defini/r, define  definit-  definition 
le/er, read  let-  letion, reading/lesson 
devo/er, to devote  devot-  devotion 
institu/er, to institute institut-  institution 
extract/er, to extract  extract-  extraction 
distint/er, to distinguish distint- distintion, distinction


Note: as in English, Occidental sometimes has two groupings of verbs with nearly the same meaning where the more Latin-like one has a more formal or heavy character. To derive extraction above the verb extracter is used, but the verb extraeralso exists (lit. ex-traer, to pull out), which above would lead to extra-er --> extrat --> extration. This gives them a slightly nuanced meaning: an extraction, derived from extracter (to extract), is only an extraction. But an extration, derived from extraer (to pull out), is both a pulling out and an extraction.


Similarly, the word reader (letor, from le/er --> let --> letor) has a 'hidden' companion in the form of lecter that can be seen from the word lector (same meaning in Occidental as in English) that one can see derived as lecter --> lect- --> lector. The word letion above can also be written lection, which carries a more formal or pompous meaning. This freedom given to the user to explore the language oneself is a powerful tool for adding nuance in writing.


2. If it's a d or an r, then it becomes s:


Infinitive  Perfect stem  Derived word 
explod/er, to explode explos-  explosion 
adher/er, to adhere  adhes-  adhesion 
decid/er, to decide  decis-  decision 


3. If it's a consonant, then you already have the perfect stem.


Infinitive  Perfect stem  Derived word 
construct/er, to construct construct-  construction 
express/er, to express  express-  expression 
opin/er, to opine  opin-  opinion 


Five verbs are exceptions to the above and must be learned separately.


Infinitive  Perfect stem  Derived example 
ceder, to cede  cess-  recession 
seder, to sit  sess-  session 
tener, to hold  tent-  retention 
venir, to come  vent-  intervention 
verter, to wind  vers-  version 


Note: the original de Wahl's Rule included the exception mover (to move) --> mot-, from which is derived motion. The Occidental community noted however that motion (plus emotion) and movement are semantically different and that using two verbs moer (to move, to budge) and mover (to move) would allow greater precision while doing away with an irregularity. Thus, the word motion is regularly derived from mo/er --> mot- --> motion.


3.2.3 Meaning of the suffixes



The action, result or location of a verb.


fabrication, from fabricar (to fabricate)

administration, from administrar (to administrate)

expedition, from expedir (to send, to expedite)



The acting person, thing or factor of a verb.


decorator, from decorar (to decorate)

fabricator, from fabricar

administrator, from administrar

expeditor, from expedir

compressor, from compresser (to compress)



 Adjective derived from -or above, similar to English -ory. Refers to something that is dedicated to or working as:


un obligatori servicie = an obligatory service (from obligar, to obligate)

un organisatori talent = a talent for organization (lit. an organisor-y talent; Occidental allows greater freedom than English with such words)

un preparatori mesura = a preparatory measure (from preparar, to prepare)

un transitori stadie = a transitory stage (from transir, to cross)

contraditori propositiones = contradictory propositions (from contradir, to contradict)

un ilusori pensa = an illusory thought (from iluder, to feint or delude)

scritori crampe = writer's cramp (i.e. the cramp of a scritor)

defensori discurse = lit. "defensive discourse" (e.g. the speech on the defendant's side, from defender, to defend)




English -ive, forms adjectives that denote an active ability:


un decorativ vase = a decorative vase (un decoratori vase would be a vase intended for decoration, but uncertain as to whether it is actually decorative or not)

un obligativ promesse = a promise that obligates (obligatori promesse = an obligatory promise)

un explicativ exemple = an example that explains something (explicar = explain)

un consolativ response = a response that brings consolation (un consolatori response = a response given as consolation) (consolar = console)

un negativ resultate = a negative result (negar = deny)

un instructiv articul = an instructive article (instructer = instruct)

un decisiv parol = a decisive word (decider = decide)




Similar to English -ure. Forms verbal nouns denoting a concrete, realized action or its result.


garnitura = garnish (the English noun garnish, from garnir, to garnish)

scritura = writing, scripture (from scrir = to write)

politura = polish (the noun polish, from polir = to polish)


Note 1. The perfect stem plus an -e (to indicate a noun) is also used to form showing the result of the action of a verb.


tribute = tribute (from tribuer)

flute = flood (from fluer)

scrite = writing (also note manuscrite, a manuscript, from manu (hand) + scrite)

extracte = extract, from extracter (extrate for a slightly different nuance - see note above)

miscomprense = misunderstanding (from miscomprender = misunderstand)


The -e is technically optional but is used for clarity; it may be removed for euphonic purposes (usage poetry, to translate colloquial or informal speech, etc.).


The perfect stem on its own is also used as an adjective:


un apert fenestre = an open window (from aperter = open) (note the difference between this and un apertet fenestre = an opened window)

un pervers(i) opinion = a perverse opinion (from perverter, to pervert) Here again there is a difference between perversi (perverse) and pervertet (perverted).

un devot amico = a devoted friend (from devoer = devote). In cases where no obvious difference exists between the perfect stem (devot) and the past tense (devoet), the two tend to be used interchangeably. One could still imagine however situations where choosing one or the other is necessary.


Note: -i, like -e above, is affixed to show that the word is an adjective. -i is also optional, and tends to be used most often when euphony demands it (e.g. the word micri, small, could not be pronounced without it).


Note 2: The perfect stem is used when deriving (forming) words, but not for verb conjugation. Technically words above such as apertpervers(i) etc. can be learned and thought of as separate entities but knowing how they are derived from verbs gives the user of the language a much greater range of options when speaking and leads to much less looking up of words in the dictionary.






4 Quadresim letion


4.1 Texte


4.1.1 Li misterie del cratere in Sall


In fine del septembre mill nin cent duant sett (1927) li conosset geofisico Professor Wegener (de Graz in Austria) visitat un ja de long conosset, ma per su orígine absolutmen misteriosi cratere in Sall sur li insul Oesel (Saaremaa), quel apartene al Republica de Estonia. Il esset in un societé de professores Kraus e Meyer del universitá in Riga e fat explorationes pri ti fenomen del natura.


In to omni expertes esset unanim till nu, que ci ne acte se pri un extint vulcan, quam on pensa in circules de laicos. Li max probabil opinion esset ti, que li cratere es un funel de ruition. Nu professor Wegener expresset un nov surprisant interpretation del orígine de ti strangi formation. Il pensa que on have ci un funel de penetration de un grandissim meteorite, simil al funeles de grenades, queles noi conosse desde li guerre mundan. Li cratere de Sall have un diametre de du cent quinant (250) e un profundore de deciquin (15) metres. It sembla esser un diminuet simil formation quam li famosi Arizona-crater in Nord America, quel advere have du mill (2000) metres in diametre.


Ma quo es significativ – per forationes on ja ha constatat in quar cent (400) metres sub li solea del cratere un enorm meteorite de circa mill du cent (1200) metres in diametre, it es, un córpore de dimensiones de un micri satellite. Wegener aprecia li grandore del meteorite, quel ha productet li cratere de Sall, ye circa cent til cent quinant (100 til 150) metres in diametre, e supposi que it deve trovar se in circa quinant till settant quin (50 til 75) metres de profundore. Adplu it es remarcabil, que in li vicinitá del principal cratere es situat pluri simil, ma mult plu micri, funeles, probabilmen causat per partes, queles ha separat se durant li cadida, quo es sovente observat che li cadidas de meteorites.


Si li suposition de prof. Wegener es rect, tande li cratere in Sall es un unic monument de natura in Europa, e li duesim sur li tot globe de terra.


quadresim  fourth  apertener  to belong 
unanim  unanimous  acter  to act 
acter se pri  to be about  extinter  to extinguish 
laico  layperson (i.e. not a specialist)  circul  circle 
max  most  probabil  probable 
funel  funnel  ruir  collapse 
orígine  origin  strangi  strange 
penetrar  to penetrate  simil  similar 
grandissim huge conosser to know
profundore depth advere indeed
forar to bore / drill solea sole, bottom
córpore body grandore size (cf. grandeur)
producter produce suposir suppose
adplu furthermore vicinitá vicinity
situat situated, located pluri several
causar to cause separar to separate
cader to fall sovente often
rect right, correct tande then
unic unique    



4.1.2 Numbers


Li cardinal numerales, queles responde al question: quant? es:


1 un

2 du

3 tri

4 quar

5 quin

6 six

7 sett

8 ott

9 nin

10 deci


11 to 19 are formed by deci + the number:

11 deciun

12 decidu

13 decitri

14 deciquar

15 deciquin

16 decisix

17 decisett

18 deciott

19 decinin


Tens are formed with the suffix -ant after the number:


20 duant

30 triant

40 quarant

50 quinant

60 sixant

70 settant

80 ottant

90 ninant


Larger and more complex numbers:


100 cent

200 du cent

300 tri cent

400 quar cent

500 quin cent

600 six cent

700 sett cent

800 ott cent

900 nin cent

1000 mil


31 triant un

75 settant quin

1 000 000 un million

1 000 000 000 un milliard


4711 quar mill sett cent undeci


Per adjuntion del suffix -esim noi have li ordinal numerales, respondent al question quantesim:



1. unesim

2. duesim

3. triesim

4. quadresim

5. quinesim


10. decesim

30. triantesim

55. quinantquinesim

100. centesim

1000. milesim


Note: decesim (tenth) is written as decesim and not deciesim because -i in deci is the adjectival ending we encountered above (the root itself is dec-). This is another example of an adjective that requires the -i ending on its own as otherwise dec would be pronounced dek.


Note 2: -esim also gives rise to internationally-recognized words such as ínfinitesim (an infinitessimal part) and infinitesimal. In Occidental these words are regularly derived from common verbs: ín + fini-r (to finish) + t + esim + al = ínfinitesimal.


Similarly, sometimes the -ant is written -anti for euphonic purposes. But because -ant on its own is easy enough to pronounce the -anti form is much rarer.


Per adjuntion del sufix -plic (-uplic pos consonantes) (del verbe plicar = anglesi "fold") noi recive li multiplicativ numerales, queles responde al question: quantuplic?


unuplic (simplic)









From these words are also derived many known words: duplicitá (duplicity), triplicar (to triplicate), etc. Also note the d in quadr to form recognizable terms such as quadraticquadrennial, etc.


To summarize: quant asks how many, quantesim asks which place (the "howmany-ith"), and quantuplic how many times (the "howmany-uple").


Existe anc colectiv numerales, queles expresse un colection o un aproximativ númere:



pare (a pair)






deciduene (dozen)






The above numbers are used collectively or approximatively in phrases such as un centene de soldates: a hundred soldiers. English uses collective nouns rarely (a group of people, a pair of ducks,) while Occidental allows it with any number with the -ene ending.


Li fractiones es:


1/1 : un tot

1/2: un demí

1/3 : un ters

1/4 : un quart

1/5 : un quinesim

1/100 : un centesim


0,1 : null e un decesim

2,3 : du tot e tri decesim (du comma tri)

1 1/2 : un e demí

2 3/4 : du e tri quart

2 x 2 = 4 : du vez du es quar

10 / 2 = 5 : deci sur du es quin


De 1/5 li fractiones es simil al ordinales.


Forms such as un triesim for 1/3 are of course permitted.


quant  how many  composir  to compose 
in vice de / vice  instead of  adjunter  add to 
quantesim  which place  reciver  receive 
multiplicar  multiply  colecter  to collect 
unité unit pare pair




4.1.3 Li témpore e su division


Quel hora es? Quel es li témpore?


12:00 a decidu horas (precis), it es midí

12:45 a un hora ante un quart

1:00 a un hora (precis)

1:25 a un hora e duantquin


Sixant secundes es un minute.

Sixant minutes es un hor.

Duant quar hores es un die.

Sett dies constitue un semane.

In un mensu es circa quar semanes.

Decidu mensus es un annu.

Cent annus es nominat un secul, mill annus un millennie.

Li sett dies del semane es: soledí, lunedí, mardí, jovedí, mercurdí, saturdí.

Li decidu mensus es: januar, februar, marte, april, may, junio, julí, august, septembre, octobre, novembre e decembre.


Note 1: The word hora refers to the hour of the day. The word hor refers to an hour of time.

Note 2: The word clocca is an alternative to the word hora. It was replaced by hora during the 1940s but seems to have remained popular and has a bit of a slangy feel. Ye clocca du = a du horas.

Note 3: While we are on the subject, the same has happened with the word flicca (girl, from Swedish flicka), which was changed to puella a long time ago. Now flicca has a similar feel to English gal or chick.


Triant dies hav' septembre,

April, junio, novembre,

Triant un have altris tot,

Februar sol have duant ott;

Except in annus intercalar

Duant nin have februar.


In li verne plantes cresce in li renascet natura.

In estive flores vive e li dies es calid.

In autune flores mori e li fructes es matur.

In hiverne veni nive e li dies es frigid.


quel  which  midí  midday 
die  day  semane  week 
mensu  month  annu  year 
secul  century  millennie  millennium 
verne  spring  estive  summer 
autune  autumn  hiverne  winter 
renascer  be reborn (cf. renaissance, renascentie in Occidental)  flore  flower 
nive  snow  calid  hot 



4.1.4 Aforismes


In null altri ocasion on menti tant quam pos un chasse, durant un guerre e ante un election. (Bismarck.)


Si li veritá vell esser dat me con li condition, que yo deve celar it in me e ne dar it de me – yo vell refusar it. (Seneca.)


It es just egal, si on interprende liberar homes queles have null firm conceptiones ex lor erras, quam si on vole expussar un vagabunde qui have null firm dom ex su hem. (Locke.)


Quo noi nómina accidentie, es li asil del ignorantie. (Spinoza.)


null  no (none)  veritá  truth 
interprender  undertake  expussar  chase out 
ocasion  occasion, event accidentie  accidence, chance 
chasse  hunt  celar  to hide 
liberar  to free, liberate  ignorantie  ignorance 
mentir  to lie (not tell the truth)  refusar  to refuse 



4.2 Explanation


Knowing how to derive words with prefixes and suffixes is of great importance in the understanding of international words, because being able to do this allows you to form a large number of internationally-understood words on your own from a single root. None of the prefixes or suffixes in Occidental, seemingly so large in number, were created from scratch, but already exist in many internationally known foreign words. The difference in that in Occidental they are not simply imported loanwords, and have been given a more precise sense and have been made for more general and meaningful use.


Let's take the root centre as an example (centre in English as well). From this word we already recognize words derived from it: central, centrale, centralisme, centralisar, centralisation, centralisator, decentralisar, decentralisation, concentrar, concentration, excentre, excentric, excentricitá, subcentral, etc. By learning Occidental's derivation one gains an understanding for how they are made up.


We are now going to look at prepositions, which in Occidental are not simply standalone particles but also used to form words.


4.2.1 Prepositiones


a, ad  to  intra between
along  along  malgré despite
alor  then  per by, through
ante  before  por for
apu  by, next to pos after
avan  before  preter past
caus  because of  pri regarding
che  at, with  pro due to
circum around secun according to
con with sin without
contra against sub under
de of, from súper over
desde since sur on
detra behind til until
durant(e) during tra through
ex out trans across
except except ultra beyond
extra besides vers towards
in in vice instead
infra below ye preposition used when no other apt preposition comes to mind



Let's take a look at a few from all of these.



Of. Has many uses:


Il dat li flores a su amata = He gave the flowers to his girlfriend.

Un epistul a nor societé = A letter to our society (note: society as in a group or company).

Yo viagea a Berlin = I travel to Berlin.

Li vapornave ea a Lisbon = The steamboat goes to Lisbon.

Clar a departer = Ready (clear) to depart.

Un error a regrettar = A regretful error. (lit. an error to regret)




Means before in terms of time and place (avan only refers to place).


Ante Cristo = Before Christ

Avan li dom = Before the house




Because of. The reason for something goes right after caus, which is an abbreviation of the longer in cause de.


Caus vor intervention = Because of your intervention.

Caus li politic evenimentes = Because of the political events.






Li filio ea con su patre = The son goes with his father.

Ella stat con lácrimes in li ocules. = She stood with tears in her eyes. (Note: the phrasing "the hands", "the eyes" to refer to body parts is more common internationally than the English his/her/their. But English also uses it sparingly such as in "look me in the eyes" (not "look me in my eyes")).




De has a wide usage, and oftentimes other prepositions can be used in its place.


Li dom de mi patre = The house of my father, my father's house

Li dramas de Schiller = Schiller's dramas

Ti libre es scrit de un fémina = This book is written by a woman (per fits here as well)

Un senior de Berlin = A gentleman from Berlin (ex fits here as well)

Li max grand de omnis = The largest of all (ex potentially fits here as well)

Un vase de aure = A vase of gold




Since, for.


Desde du annus = For two years.




Out (of), from.


Il venit ex su chambre = He came out ofhis room.

Yo trinca ex li glass. = I drinkt out of the glass.

Traductet ex german in Occidental. = Translated from German into Occidental.




By, through, with


Il defendet se per un gladie = He defended himself with a sword.

Il salvat se per svimmar = He saved himself by swimming.

Li moné ha esset furtet per un ínconosset hom = The money has been stolen by an unknown person.





Un libre por omnes e por nequi = A book for all and for nobody.

On manja por viver, on ne vive por manjar = You eat to live, you don't live to eat.





Noi parlat pri politica = We talked about politics.

Yo mersía pro Vor auxilie = I thank (you) for your help.





Yo laborat til decidu horas. = I worked until twelve o'clock.

Til li extrem fine del munde = Until the very end of the world





Yo videt le tra li fenestre = I saw him through the window.





Lindberg volat trans li Atlantic Ocean = Lindberg flew across the Atlantic Ocean.





Li avie volat vers li sole = The bird flew towards the sun.




These prepositions are also used to form other words.


aportar = to bring (a + portar, to carry)

antediluvian = antediluvian (ante diluvie, a flood)

avanposto = outpost (avan + posto)

circumstantie = circumstance (circum stantie from star = to stand)

constellation = constellation (con stelle = star)

contravention = contravention (contra vention = coming, from venir)

deportar = deport (de portar, to carry)

exportar = export (ex portar, to carry)

ex-imperator = former emperor

extraordinari = extraordinary (extra ordinari)

inclusiv = inclusive (in cluder, to close or shut)

intervalle = interval (inter valle, a bulwark or embankment (related to English wall))

preterpassant = passing by (preter passar, to pass)

subordination = subordination (sub ordinar, to order)

traducter = to translate or render (tra ducter, to lead)

transatlantic = transatlantic

vice-presidente = vice president (vice presidente)



4.2.2 Prefixes


The following prefixes are only used in compound words.



Related by marriage. belfratre = brother-in-law (fratre = brother)



des- (usually de- before consonants):


1. Before nouns: nullation or opposing meaning, un-:


desagreabil = disagreeable (agreabil = agreeable, friendly)

deshonor = dishonour

desilusion = disillusion


2. On verbs: loss of something:


desarmar = disarm (armar = to arm)





Separation, moving away:


dismembrar = dismember (membre = limb)

distracter = distract (tracter or traer = to pull)




Opposite meaning, in/un/etc.:


ínoficial = unofficial

ínclar = unclear

íncurabil = uncurable

ínpossibil = impossible


Note 1: other more internationally-recognized forms such as impossibil (vs. ínpossibil), irregular (vs. ínregular) etc. were often used in Occidental but the user base showed a preference for a regular ín- and the other forms have become rarer.


Note 2: not to be confused with the unstressed preposition in-, similar to the one in English in words such as inclusivinspecter.





Wrong, improper, mis-:


miscomprender = misunderstand (comprender = to understand)

misparlar = misspeak (parlar = to speak)




Before, pre-:


prematur = premature (matur = mature)

prevenir = forestall, preempt, prevent (venir = to come)

prehistoric = prehistoric




Ahead, forth


producter = to produce (ducter = to lead)

projecter = to project (jecter = to throw)




Again, re-:


reaction = reaction

renascentie = renaissance, rebirth (nascentie = birth)

revider = see again (vider = to see)



Which form to use?


When Occidental was first announced in 1922, Edgar de Wahl proposed a number of standalone and derived words that he believed to be equally valid, leaving the decision between them to the community to see which form it preferred. This process of ironing out took place over the next 25 years, at a very gradual pace as all changes in the end were very minor. Some examples of theoretically equally valid forms are the following:


(Etymologic -- doubled consonant -- modern single consonant form)

  • adportar -- apportar -- aportar (to bring, from ad + portar, lit. to 'to pull')
  • adnexion -- annexion -- anexion (to annex, from ad + nexer, lit. to 'to tie')
  • adtractiv -- attractiv -- atractiv (to attract, from ad + tracter, lit. to 'to pull')
  • obpression -- oppression -- opression (to oppress, from ob + presser, lit. to 'against press')
  • subposition -- supposition -- suposition (to suppose, from sub + poser, lit. to 'under place')


The form on the left was rarely if ever used, due to 1) the uninternational appearance and 2) the possibility of appearing to have a different meaning. Subposition for example simply looks like "under position" and does not give the sense of supposition.


The second form was used for a time, but eventually the community settled on the form on the right for simplicity, with doubled consonants used in the cases mentioned in the beginning of the book (ss to maintain the [s] sound in all cases, ch for [sh], etc.).





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