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Occidental Course in 10 Lessons (lessons 9-10)

Page history last edited by Dave MacLeod 5 years, 3 months ago

9 Ninesim letion


9.1 Texte


9.1.1 Un parol - un novelle



Si yo prende un parol ex un lingue, it va racontar me alcun cultur-historic facte. Lass nos, por exemple, prender li german parol infanterie. Su form indica, que it es un parol pruntat ex li francesi lingue. Ergo li franceses deve har havet un cert influentie concernent li developation e organisation del german armés, altrimen on vell har conservat li genuin old german parol "Fußvolk," usat ancor in li decisixesim secul. Ma li parol explica ancor plu. It di, que originalmen it deve har esset usat por un cert sorte del infanterie, a saver, por li guardie del Infante de Hispania. Li "Infante" de Hispania es identic con li international e pro to anc occidental parol "infante," originant del latin „infans,“ quel es composit del prefix "in" (ne) e "fans" (parlant), to es, un hom, quel ancor ne posse parlar. Talmen yo veni in mi exploration a plu e plu lontan témpores e popules, e yo fini che li unesim conosset form e sense del parol, che li etimon. Li historie de un parol es un micri novelle, un excerpte ex un immensimen grand libre: li Historie del Homanité.


indicar  to indicate  concerner  to concern 
infante  infant  excerpte  excerpt 
pruntar  to borrow developar  to develop 
lontan  far  influentie  influence 
genuine  genuine  etimon  etymon (a word root - cf. etymology) 



9.1.2 Li grand idés


To quo es necessi por elevar li spíritu, ne es to, que un hom save omnicos, quo ha esset pensat e scrit in relation al spiritual natura, ne es to, que un hom deveni un enciclopedie, ma to, que li grand idés, in quel omni decovritiones termina, queles summa omni scienties, queles li filosof extrae de ínfinit detallies, es comprendet e sentit. It ne es li quantitá, ma li qualitá de saventie, quel determina li dignitá del anima. Un mann de immens erudition posse pro su manca de larg e extensiv idés, esser mult plu inferior in intelectu quam un laborero, qui, con micri saventies, támen ha trovat grand veritás. Un grand anima es format per poc grand idés, ne per infinitá de íncoherent detallies. Yo ha conosset tre doct homes, qui apparet a me tre povri in intelectu, proque ili havet null grand pensas. Quo vale to, que un mann ha studiat quantcunc detalliat li histories de Grecia e Roma, si per li historic documentes li grand idés de libertá e bellitá e bravitá e spiritual energie ne ha flammat quam vivent foyes in su anima? (Channing.)


elevar  to raise  erudition  erudition 
terminar  to end  larg  broad, wide 
determinar  to determine  bravitá  bravery 



9.1.3 Anecdotes


Du yun juristes, Miller e Brun, visitat sovente li sam yun dama. Un véspere Miller esset sol con ella. Il dit in tendri ton:


"Esque Vu pensa, María, que Vu posse subitmen abandonar patre e matre, sestra e fratre, ti plesent, comfortabil dom, e emigrar in li savagi West con un yun jurist, qui posse viver solmen per su profession, e serchar ta un nov hem, in quel ambi posse esser felici?"


Inclinante su bell cap sur li epoles de Miller, ella chuchotat tendrimen: "Yes, yo pensa que yo posse, Arnold."


"Bon," dit Miller, "it es Brun, qui intente emigrar e desira un sponsa, yo va mentionar to a il." – – –


A un yun mann, qui sedet silent in un companie, Teophrástos, li famos grec filosof, dit: "Si Vu es folli, Vu acte sagimen; si Vu es sagi, Vu acte follimen." – – –


subitmen  suddenly  savagi  wild 
matre  mother  epol  shoulder 
sponsa  spouse (female)  sestra  sister 
serchar  to search  chuchotar  to whisper 
foll(i) crazy  fratre  brother 
ambi  both  tendri  tender 
emigrar  to emigrate  felici  happy 
intenter  to intend     



9.1.4 Aforismes



Mem li deos combatte li stupiditá in van.


Li paroles es solmen vente – li erudition consiste solmen ex paroles – ergo li erudition es solmen vente. (Swift.)


Li gazettes es li secund-indicatores del historie. Ma ili es sovente de plu ínnobli metalle quam li altri indicatores, e ea anc rarmen correct. (Schopenhauer.)


Quande Pythagoras hat decovrit su conosset teorema, il aportat un hecatombe al deos. Desde to li boves treme, tam sovente quam un nov veritá es decovrit. (Börne.)


Li majorité del homes lassa voluntarimen presser se in li carne li spine de un fals teorie, ma ili defende se per omni forties, si on vole denove extraer it. (Pauly.)



9.2 Explanations


From adjectives we can create adverbsl by adding the ending -men. This ending does not change the stress:


Un prudent mann acte prudentmen. = A prudent man acts prudently.


When the meaning is clear, the adjective by itself may function as an adverb:


Il parla bon = He speaks well (lit. good)

Li sole luce clar = The sun shines clear(ly).


Another way to form an adjective is to use in maniere:


Il scri in elegant maniere = He writes in an elegant manner.


Prepositions can be used to form adverbs: in (li) nocte = at night, in fine = finally, in general = in general, in ocasion = on occasion, per ocasion = by chance, etc.


Pronomial adverbs


u? -- where?


ci -- here

ta -- there

necú -- nowhere

alcú -- somewhere

partú -- everywhere

supra -- above

infra -- below

extra -- outside, besides

intra -- inside

detra -- behind


a(d) u? -- to where?


a(d) ci -- to here

a(d) ta -- to there

adavan -- forward

retro -- backward

ad supra -- upwards

a bass, ad infra -- downwards

ex, ad extra -- out from

in, ad intra -- into


de u? -- from where?


de ci -- from here

de ta -- from there

de supra -- from above

de infra -- from below


qualmen? -- how? in what way?

talmen -- in that way

tam -- so (with an adjective or adverb following)

alquam -- somehow

quande? -- when?

tande -- then (also alor)

unquande -- once

apen -- hardly

ne totmen -- not entirely

totmen ne -- not at all

forsan -- perhaps

junt -- together

presc -- almost

nequam -- not at all

nequande -- never

alquande -- some time, ever

poc a poc -- bit by bit, gradually

solmen -- only

ya -- indeed, well (strengthens the meaning somewhat)

yes! -- yes!

no! -- no!

ínterim -- meanwhile

nu -- now

strax -- right away

bentost -- soon

sovente -- often

ja -- already

jamá -- (n)ever

sempre -- always

antey -- before

quant? -- how many?

tant-- that many

nequant -- none at all

alquant -- a certain amount

poy -- after

in ante -- beforehand, in advance

depoy -- from then

ancor -- still

adplu, ulterior -- furthermore

hodie -- today

tre -- very

tro -- too

circa -- around, circa

mult -- many

ho-annu -- this year

ho-témpore -- these times

deman -- tomorrow

posdeman -- the day after tomorrow

yer -- yesterday

anteyer -- the day before yesterday

un poc -- a bit

suficent -- enough

vez -- time (as in two times)


With the enclitic -cunc we get words like ucunc = wherever, quamcunc = however, as ever, quandecunc = whenever, etc.


Some more examples showing their function?


Qualmen Vu fa it? Talmen. -- How do you do it? Like that.

Quam bell es li flore! -- How beautiful the flower is!

Tam bell quam un flore. -- As beautiful as a flower.

Plu bell quam un flore. -- More beautiful than a flower.

Quam un rey. Quam rey. -- Like a king. As king.

Quam Vu save, it es talmen. -- As you know, that's the way it is.

Quant homes esset ta? Tant quant yer. -- How many people were there? As many as yesterday.




9.2.2 Conjunctiones


The most frequently used conjunctions are:


e -- and

e ... e -- both ... and ...

o -- or

o ... o -- either ... or ...

ni -- not (stronger than ne)

ni .. ni -- neither ... nor ...

sive ... sive ... -- either ... or ...

ma -- but

nam -- for, because

támen -- however

ergo, dunc, do -- therefore, thus, etc.

plu ... plu -- the more ... the ...

nu! -- well!

vi -- behold, here are

nu ... nu -- first ... now the other (i.e. doing one thing and then the other)


There are also some subordinate conjunctions:


que -- that (e.g. he said that)

si -- if

quam -- as, like

esque, ca -- whether, if (e.g. I don't know whether)

quasi -- as if, quasi

benque -- though, although

etsi -- albeit, although


With quam and que together with other words we get a large number of conjunctions such as:


sam quam -- same as

anteque (ante que) -- before

posque (pos que) -- after

proque (pro que) -- because

porque (por que) -- in order that

perque (per que) -- in that (because of...)


Note: the que here is not translated as "that" in English but carries that sort of meaning. Point to take home: Having que means the parts of the sentence before que and after it can stand on their own. Examples of conjunctions with and without que to demonstrate the difference:


Il venit ante quin annus. -- He came five years ago. (quin annus on its own is not a phrase)

Il venit ante que il hat trovat it. -- He came before he had found it. (il hat trovat it on its own is a phrase)


Il laborat pro manca de moné. -- He worked due to lack of money. (manca de moné is not a phrase)

Il laborat pro que il mancat moné. -- He worked because he lacked money. (il mancat moné is a phrase)


Il luctat por su país. -- He fought for his country. (su país is not a phrase)

Il luctat por protecter su país. -- He fought to protect his country. (protecter su país is also not a phrase)

Il luctat por que su filies mey saver qui hat protectet lor país. -- He fought so that his children would know who had protected their country. (su filies mey saver qui hat protectet lor país -- may his children know wha had protected their country -- is a phrase!)





10 Decesim letion


10.1 Texte


10.1.1 "In comensa esset li parol"


Li famosi unesim frase del Evangelium de Johannes cela un profund sense, anc si noi comprende it litteralmen. Nam solmen per su capabilitá expresser per paroles su intern traviventies, su observationes e sentimentes, su perceptiones e desiras e comunicar les, evenit li metamorfose del hom ex un animale, solmen li linguistic talent corona li hom quam li dómino del creaturas. Sin parol ne vell exister un clar notion, sin notion null pensation, sin lingue null alt spiritual vive. Nam li singul notiones, per li medie de queles li hom pensa, es strictissim ligat con cert paroles, un real, ver pensada sin paroles ne es possibil. Concedet que mani brevi pensation, mani actiones de vole eveni instinctiv o intuitiv, un plu alt spiritual vive, quel eleva se súper obscur fluctuationes de pur instinctes e perceptiones a plen claritá e libertá del conceptiv pensada, es e va esser connectet a linguistic capacitá. Omni spiritual valores li hom debi finalmen a su talent de articulat parlation. Novális di unquande in su aforismes: "Li grammatica es li dinamica del spiritual dominia. Un parol de comande move armés, li parol "libertá" nationes."


Quande li poet e li pensator vaga líber ad in li immens dominia de pensas, lor ales es li parol. Li parlant hom victe li circumant natura per li parol e quam creator forma per li parol su propri, subjectiv munde, in contraritá e quam contrast al sensualmen perceptibil fenomenes: li munde del spíritu – de su spíritu. On ha dit, que li hom es un hibride inter deo e animale, e yo vole dir que li paroles es li scalunes de ti scaliere celesti, along quel il prova grimpar súper lu pur animalic ad in li luce del spritualitá. De to seque anc, que li lingue da nos li fundament e li unesim base de omni cultura. (Güntert.)



10.1.2 Li mult lingues de Europa


Li lingual situation in li hodial Europa es paradoxal.


Li material civilisation, li scientie, e mem li arte unifica se plu e plu. Li cultivat europano senti se quasi in hem in omni landes queles have europan civilisation, it es, plu e plu, in li tot munde. Hodie presc omni states guerrea per li sam armes. Sin cessa li medies de intercommunication ameliora se, e in consequentie de to li terra sembla diminuer se. Un Parisano es nu plu proxim a un angleso o a un germano quam il esset

ante cent annus a un paisano francesi.


Li civilisation tende vers unitá.


It existe solmen *un* scientie, a quel li erudites de omni nationes contribue, partú on studia li sam problemas per li sam procedes, per li sam instrumentes. Li laboratorias de America e Japan labora pri li sam questiones quam tis de Europa. Li observatorias del tot munde prepara un carte de ciel, in quel ili execute chascun un parte. Un modern erudito es, si il vole o ne, li colaborator de omnes, qui in li tot munde cultiva li sam

scientie. It existe, por chascun specialitá scientific, un micri comunité de erudites, qui, amicos o rivales, conosse unaltru, seque li activitá de unaltru e reacte un a li altri.


Li scientie, quel es un, dómina un tecnica, quel anc es un. Chascun decovrition scientific change li procedes de fabrication e li conditiones de production. E omni nov procede de fabrication es rapidmen conosset in li tot munde.


Li afferes comercial es international. Li industries de un branche conclude cartelles trans li frontieras. Li banks del tot munde es alliat per comun operationes.


Li ovreros ha sentit, que, in regard a lor patrones, ili have identic interesses. Li formul "Laboreros de omni landes, unia vos" ha evocat ecó in li classes de ovreros de omni landes.


Li rel-vias, li naves, queles fa possibil li relationes inter li homes, deve devenir simil, caus necessitá. Li postal servicie ha esset fortiat unificar se por conformar se secun li principies del union postal universal.


Li vestes deveni partú li sam. Li guerre ne ha impedit li feminin modes subir in li tot munde occidental presc li sam changes in li sam témpore.


Omnicos va uniformisar se.


Durant omni to li lingues, queles servi quam organes por li civilisation, es tre divers, ili deveni constantmen plu mult. Li conossenties del german, anglesi, hispan, francesi e italian ne sufice plu a tis queles vole secuer li currente del tot civilisation modern.


Chascun nation, quamcunc micri it es, vole haver su propri lingue de civilisation. Presc chascun nation de Europa ha obtenet autonomie e nu li conossentie de duant lingues ne suffice por sequer li civilisation de sol Europa.


Por experir li obstacules quel resulta de to, sufice transpassar un lingual frontiera. Por tis, doctos o practicos, qui deve secuer li currente del labor fat in li munde, li diversitá del lingues del civilisation complica li labor in un maniere íntolerabil. Li aprension de un scientie o tecnica deveni per chascun die plu laborosi, e li necessitá aprender divers lingues e sempre plu divers, adjunte un cargo, quel ne cessa far se plu e plu pesant.


In li sam gradu quam li civilisation deveni plu uniform, li lingues have a expresser li sam coses per materialmen different, ma paralel procedes. Li notiones ne varia con li paroles, queles expresse les. Li lingues de Europa per to quo ili expresse, tende a devenir li fidel calcationes de unaltru.

On save quel desfacilitás incontra un congress international pro li diversitá del lingues, ne solmen si it acte se pri un congress de homes con mediocri education, queles ne conosse foren lingues, ma anc li congresses de homes alt educat, nam quam rarmen ili ha havet témpore aprender parlar fluentmen un foren lingue! Li congresses de un partise, quam li socialistic, quel confesse internationalisme, es fat tre desfacil per li necessitá traducter omnicos in adminim du lingues, e li delegates del micri landes deve esser electet solmen inter tal homes, queles bon conosse un de ti lingues queles es usat in li congress. E it es ínevitabil haver un comun lingue por far possibil un ver discussion. Por ti scope on besona un lingue, quel es facilmen aprensibil e applicabil e neutral. Solmen un lingue artificial responde a ti conditiones.


Li practic necessitá haver un lingue international es evident. E proque un tal lingue es possibil, it deve esser introductet tam bentost quam possibil.

(Secun A. Meillet, professore de „Collège de France.“)



10.2 Explanations


10.2.1 Syntax


Syntax is Occidental is for the most part very similar to English, with some notable differences in places such as adjectives where they can also be placed after the noun (general rule of thumb: the longer the adjective, the more it feels right to place it after the noun). Some other small differences exist, some of which are seen in the following examples.


Li monument es plazzat avan li palace. -- The monument is located (placed) before the palace.

Li judico es nominat Cadi che li arabes. -- The Arabs call the judge Cadi (lit. the judge is named Cadi with the Arabs).

Il pensat sovente pri li felici témpore del yunesse. -- He often thought about the happy times of (his) youth.

Tui amore e tui felicie eleva se avan me quam un etern aurora. -- Your love and your happiness rise before me like eternal dawn. (Goethe.)

Li númere de spectatores hat crescet extremmen per arivas ex vicin districtes. -- The number of spectators has grown greatly (extremely) by arrivals from nearby districts.

Yo ne save, esque yo ha fat bon. -- I don't know if I've done right.

Por scrir un bon lettre de amore, tu deve comensar sin saver quo tu vole dir, e finir sin saver quo tu ha dit. -- To write a good love letter, you must begin without knowing what you want to say, and end without knowing what you have said. (Rousseau.)


The regular word order in Occidental is: 1. Subject, 2. Predicate, 3. Object: (1) Goethe (2) ha scrit (3) Faust. The same applies to subordinate clauses.


Note some important differences that take place when the word order is changed. Words such as anc, solmen, etc. quantify the word they stand in front of.  The word ne also negates the word it stands in front of.  Other examples: tro, and tre.


Yo ne va prender Vor libre. -- I won't take your book (but will leave it lying).

Ne yo va prender Vor libre. -- I won't take your book (somebody else will).

Yo va prender ne Vor libre. -- I won't take your book (I will take somebody else's).

Vor libre yo ne prende. -- I'm not taking your book (I'm taking something else of yours)

Anc yo ama Vos. -- I love you too (other people like you)

Yo ama anc Vos. -- I love you took (I love many people, including you)

Solmen ella ride. -- Only she is laughing (nobody else is)

Ella solmen ride. -- She only laughs (she keeps laughing)

Il tre regreta, que il have solmen poc euros. -- He regrets having just a few euros.


More on the rule of thumb for adjectives: they tend to stand before the noun when they are short or refer to the character of the noun, and after when longer, less directly related, part of a subordinate clause, adding extra information, etc.


Li delicat caviare russ. -- delicate Russian caviar.

Li lingue international. -- The international language.

Ti mann, clar in su pensas e pur in su intentiones. -- That man, clear in his thoughts and pure in his intentions.

Su patre e su matre hat fat omni arangeamentes necessi por su viage. -- His/her father and mother had made all arrangements necessary for the trip.

Raporte aproximativ pri merces, important durant ti ci estive. -- A summary report on goods (that are) important during this summer.


In the first two sentences above it is somewhat a matter of taste whether to say russ caviare or international lingue, though the word international being long feels a bit more right after the noun. The next three sentences however are much more clear cut (necessi-por-su-viage-arangeamentes would be odd).


Dependent clauses: note the same word order.


Il di, que il es malad. -- He said that he is sick. (Il di + il es malad)

Il pensat, quo yo hat ja venit. -- He thought that I had already come. (Il pensat + yo hat ja venit)

Ella questionat, pro quo yo es tam felici. -- She asked why I was so happy. (Ella questionat + yo es tam felici)


In sentences with questions (direct and indirect) that do not start with question pronouns (where, why...) or adverbs are usually formed with the general question word esque (lit. is that), but may be formed without it.


Esque Vu comprende me? -- Do you understand me?

Ha Vu comprendet me? -- Have you understood me?

Yo ne save, esque yo comprende Vos corect. -- I don't know if I understand you right.

Pensa Vu o dormi? -- Are you thinking or sleeping?


Other options for esque in subordinate clauses are ca and si. The third setence could start with Yo ne save, ca... or Yo ne save, si ....


The difference between forming questions, wishes (optative phrases) and conditional sentences:


Esque ella hat conosset su matre? -- Did she know her mother?

Mey ella har conosset su matre! -- If (only) she had known her mother!

Si ella vell har conosset su matre, ella vell... -- If she had known her mother, she would...


For the conditional you can add a in ti casu (in that case) if wished to translate English then (if she had known her mother, then she would have...), but vell on its own is always enough. Also note that in the conditional, both parts of the sentence use vell. This is like saying "if she would have known her mother she would have...", because both parts are conditional. One does see the perfect past starting off these types of sentences from time to time, however: "Si ella hat conosset su matre, ella vell har..."



Where some languages use a preposition (especially a) before the subject of a verb and others don't, Occidental prefers to not use them. Rule of thumb: if in doubt, try going without a preposition if the meaning is still clear.

The same goes for reflexive verbs (verbs using se). English uses them infrequently but still does in some places such as "I'm going to find myself something to eat" which would be written "Yo va trovar alquó a manjar" and not "Yo va trovar me alquó a manjar".


Yo mersia Vos (not a Vos). -- I thank you.

Ples auxiliar li (not a li) povri mann. -- Please help the poor man.

Il menaciat su ínamicos. -- He threatened his enemies.

Yo memora li cose tre bon. -- I remember it ("the thing") very well.

Il prepara por un viage. -- He is preparing for a voyage.

To il solmen imagina. -- He just imagines it.

Yo es conscient pri to. -- I'm aware of that.

Yo tre joya vider Vos. -- I'm very happy to see you.

Yo senti dolore; yo regreta. -- I'm sorry; I regret that...

Yo repente. -- I'm sorry ("I repent that...")

Yo senti calore; yo cale. -- I'm hot.

Yo senti frigore; yo frige. -- I'm cold.

Yo senti fame / sete. -- I'm hungry / thirsty.

Yo successat far it. -- I was able to do it.

On dansat e ludet. -- We/they/one danced and played.


Note: The above phrases are ones that in the original German are rendered with reflexive verbs in German; fortunately, English does not use them nearly as much.

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